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If you’re looking for ideas or want to see what’s happening in the world of financial content, our sample library is a great place to start. Our Preview articles tap into our growing samples database to find trends or insights that can impact your content decisions. If you want to dive deeper, reach out to us at

What makes a compelling presentation? You asked us that question earlier this year, and we thought, who better to talk to than our excellent colleague, Kris Detwiler?   Kris Detwiler, CFA, CPA, is a financial content and marketing expert with a particular focus on helping companies improve presentations. She’s…
“Unprecedented.” It’s a word we keep hearing. But I think it’s a fitting word to describe current circumstances, don’t you? I’d bet it’s the first time any of us have had to think about how to talk with investors during a pandemic.  The pandemic has certainly challenged all of us to…
Downturns are stressful for everyone: investment companies, advisors and investors. What should you say in a down market – and how should you say it? We surveyed different kinds of firms and uncovered the Do’s & Don’ts for communicating when times are tough. We’ve even put together a template…
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