Podcasts and Sustainable Investing: Two of My Favorite Things Coming Together

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I’ve had some fun opportunities to talk with everyday investors lately on one of my favorite topics: sustainability investing, also known as ESG. 

A couple of months ago I got to be a part of a wonderful panel at FinCon where we talked about topics related to ESG. More recently — as you’ve seen if you follow me on my social media — I had a great conversation with Phil Muscatello on his “Stocks for Beginners” podcast, where I discussed ESG investing. 

I find that most investors are curious… but uncertain. They’re interested – eager even! – to learn more, but it’s very easy to be put off by the confusing terminology and over-the-top marketing imagery (our favorite social media hashtag now is #ESGisNotaTree 😊 ).  

Part of why these recent opportunities have been so great is because they’ve given me an opportunity to cut through the nonsense and help curious investors along their ESG journey. There’s a tremendous amount of empowerment and satisfaction in knowing that you are using your money to uphold your values. 

Promoting ESG Education for Beginners Outside of Podcasts 

We’d like to continue to promote education on ESG for beginners, and we’re working with advisors and asset managers to help bridge that gap. We’re certainly not done sharing our thoughts on this important new development in the financial world. 

You can learn more about what we’re doing at https://purcellcom.com/esg/ or reach out to us directly at ESGisNotaTree@purcellcom.com. We’d love to hear from you. 

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