Home > Open House > Some Editing Pet Peeves of Ours. What Grinds Your Gears?
Look, we know no one is perfect. Our clients and writers are extremely intelligent people, but that doesn’t mean they don’t make mistakes. Some of which, for some reason, seem to really get on the nerves of our quality control team.
So, to start the new year, we thought it would be fun to ask our editors and fact checkers what some of their biggest pet peeves are — even when it comes from professional content writers like us.
For your amusement, here is the rundown of our “favorite” editing pet peeves. Surprisingly, there weren’t that many – we all enjoy what we do, and even the messiest of pieces are just a fun opportunity to rework something.
What are some of your editing pet peeves in content — either as a writer, editor, or even a reader? We can’t wait to read over and have a good laugh at your responses while sipping on a nice beverage.