Measuring the Pulse of Real Investors

Edelman Trust Barometer results sustainable investing resource editing pet peeves esg for beginners podcast esg investing connect with investors at FinCon connecting with ESG investors

One of the largest investor-focused conferences we know of is back after a year off. After the COVID-19 pandemic tore through the United States — and the world — we missed the opportunity to connect with investors at FinCon. But in 2021, it’s back as a hybrid event and we couldn’t be more excited!  

Why, you ask? Because FinCon is one of the best ways we’ve come across — and we’ve been doing this a long time — to check the pulse of everyday investors on virtually any topic. Not only is it a great opportunity to connect with investors, but more importantly, it gives us the chance to learn what they care about… and what they find believable or not. 

But this year’s FinCon brings some extra excitement for us. Not only will I be attending, I will be a panelist alongside some awesome colleagues — Michelle Jackson of the “Money Is Hungry” podcast and Janine Firpo, author of “Activate Your Money: Invest to Grow Your Wealth and Build a Better World, 
among others.  

An Exciting Opportunity to Connect With Investors at FinCon 

Our panel will be speaking on how sustainability is the future of investing. Our view is that many individual investors are just beginning to learn about this style of investing. We want to help them lay a solid, educational foundation and approach the topic with a smart, discerning eye. 

I know that most people in our network are industry professionals, but I also know that you invest. So before we get busy connecting with investors at FinCon, I wanted to check the pulse of you all. 

What do you know about ESG investing? Do you have any ESG investments? Most importantly, what do you want to know about it?  

Let us know and reach out on LinkedIn or Twitter. We look forward to getting back out there, and hopefully we’ll see some of you at FinCon! 

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